Dravida Munnettra
Kazhagam is a leading political party in South East Asia also known as ‘The Light of Tamilnadu’. |
Employees Welfare Programes |
Employees Welfare Programes
Several welfare schemes were introduced for the employees of Dock and Port workers during the regime of T.R. Baalu. Some of these schemes are described below.
New Productivity Linked Reward (PLR) Scheme
A new Productivity Linked Reward (PLR) Scheme has been formulated and implemented for the Port & Dock Workers & Employees. The scheme is applicable from the financial year 2002-03 to 2006-07 and to be continued up to 2009-2010. It is applicable to all Port & Dock employees irrespective of their wages/salaries. Further, the calculation of PLR is subject to the maximum ceiling of wages/salary prescribed by Payment of Bonus Act. In the new scheme, there are three parameters and respective weightages attached thereto (shown in brackets) viz. Average Turn Round Time of Ships (30%), Average ship berthday output (35%) and unit cost of handling i.e. operational expenditure divided by total tonnage of cargo handled (35%). Like earlier PLR Scheme, PLR shall be paid annually on the basis of all Major Ports’ Productivity/performance.
Bipartite Wage Negotiation Committee (BWNC)
The then existing wage settlement for Port & Dock Workers and Employees of Class-III & IV expired on 31.12.2006. This wage settlement was for 10 years. As per the past practice, the Department of Shipping has again, on expiry of the wage settlement, constituted a Bipartite Wage Negotiation Committee (BWNC) consisting of 12 members each from Management side and Federation side to recommend the wage and allied benefits to the Class-III & IV Port & Dock workers and employees.
Recoupment of Seamen’s Provident Fund
At the initiative of T.R. Baalu, Government approved recoupment of an amount of Rs.92.78 crore lost by Seamen’s Provident Fund in the Cooperative Security scam as a welfare measure to protect the interest of seamen. An amendment to Seamen’s Provident Fund Act 1966 was also approved to ensure that such liabilities arising as a consequence of the investment management of the provident fund were not passed on to Government.
Merger of Kandla Dock Labour Board With Kandla Port Trust
Dock Labour Boards were set up at major ports at Kolkata, Vishakhapatnam, Cennai, Kochi. In order to achieve optimum utilization of labour, it was considered necessary to provide interchangeability of Dock workers and Port workers. Accordingly, under the Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment) (Inapplicapability to major Port Trusts) Act, 1997, the Dock Labour Boards at Chennai, Kochi and Mormugao were merged with their respective Port Trusts. Later, vide Gazette Notification dated 24.01.2007 the Kandla Dock Labour Board was also merged with the Kandla Port Trust.