Dravida Munnettra
Kazhagam is a leading political party in South East Asia also known as ‘The Light of Tamilnadu’. |
Major Achievements |
During the regime of Thiru T.R. Baalu, the Department achieved distinctions in terms of the overall growth in various sectors and initiation of a number of new programmes and schemes in a brief account of which is presented in the following pages.
National Maritime Development Programme
Soon after taking over the reins of the Department of Shipping by Thiru T.R. Baalu in May 2004, preparations began at a faster pace to formulate a comprehensive National Maritime Policy that would facilitate enhanced private investment, improve service quality and promote competitiveness in the sector. The policy also aimed at encouraging investments in port projects at substantially higher levels to meet the medium and long-term objectives. The initiative finally culminated into a National Maritime Development Programme (NMDP). The primary objective of NMDP is to bring up the levels of performance in the maritime transport sector to international benchmark by upgrading and modernizing the infrastructure. A total of 387 schemes in major ports, shipping and IWT sectors were identified under the programme. The total investment envisaged was Rs.100,339 crore out of which the share of major ports was at Rs.55,804 crore involving 276 schemes and that of Shipping and IWT sectors at Rs.44,535 crore comprising 111 schemes. |